How Microsoft Azure Delivers for Businesses Around the World

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Do you know what 95 percent of Fortune 500 companies have in common? They all trust their business with Microsoft Azure. The cloud platform helps to bring solutions to life using hybrid software and is used to build, deploy and manage applications and services through a global network.

Your Handy Cloud Migration Checklist

Cloud migration checklist

If your company is considering migrating your software to the cloud, there are a few things you’ll need to consider. This checklist will ensure that you have all your bases covered before making the switch.

Why Every Company Should Migrate to the Cloud

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Whether you want to retire your old way of doing things or re-host what already exists, there are serious benefits to cloud migration. Our experienced team at 27Global is a leader in cloud transformation services to improve business operations across the county.

How to Choose a Cloud Provider

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Our approach at 27Global is unique because it’s what enables us to work with a variety of hosting environments, like cloud, on-premise or a hybrid hosting model.

Why Are Companies Moving to the Cloud?

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The widespread migration to cloud computing has been one of the most significant tech trends ever and has continued to accelerate over the past few years. The COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated this inevitable trajectory as more and more workplaces implement remote or virtual processes and collaboration. According to a recent study by Gartner, almost […]

27Global Achieves AWS Select Consulting Partner Certification

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Leawood, Kansas — Software engineering and technology solutions company 27Global has been certified as an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Select Consulting Partner, making them one of the few companies with the designation in the greater Kansas City area — and the only to offer a comprehensive portfolio of cloud operations, security, and custom development services. […]

How and Why You Should Establish a Cloud Center of Excellence

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Increasingly, companies are looking to move their infrastructure to the cloud or are building new capabilities there. The cloud—specifically, the public cloud—consists of many major players, including Amazon (AWS), Google (GCE), Microsoft (Azure), and IBM (IBM Cloud) as well as lesser-known companies. There are many things to consider when you begin your cloud migration, for […]

Staying in the Driver’s Seat When Moving to the Cloud

Cloud migration tips to keep you in the driver's seat

The cloud is virtually unavoidable today. For any software-based business, from large corporations to startups, the benefits of deploying your software to the cloud are hard to ignore. Choosing which platform to use can be an anxiety-inducing task that many teams ponder for days, weeks, or even months. A major source of this anxiety is […]

AWS Billing Alerts: 5 Steps to Saving Money in Cloud Services

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A couple of years ago I was developing a new high availability (HA) system for a past employer. The project used a Mongo database to capture a gargantuan amount of financial data from live streams. By luck, Amazon had just released DocumentDB, which is essentially a clone of the Mongo 3.x API—a perfect fit for […]