Mastering Backlog Management in SaaS Development: A 27Global Perspective

As a SaaS development services provider, 27Global’s mission has always been to create impactful and reliable solutions that enable our clients to attain certain goals, whether that be increasing customer satisfaction, business growth, etc. One often under-emphasized but crucial component of engineering any SaaS solution is management of the development backlog.

Why Backlog Management Matters

Backlogs are living organisms within a SaaS development cycle. They are dynamic collections of features, bugs, and technical tasks that a team plans to work on. Ineffective backlog management can derail a project, wasting valuable resources. Conversely, a well-managed backlog aligns with both the development team and the larger business goals, ensuring a more streamlined process and a product that resonates with the users.

At 27Global, we understand the value of a well-structured backlog and offer our approach to backlog management to create SaaS solutions that not only meet but exceed customer expectations. 

The Imperative of Customer Feedback

There’s no better compass for navigating the SaaS landscape than customer feedback. Here’s why it’s crucial for your backlog:

  • Feedback Loops: Quick iterations and direct customer feedback loops help in continuously fine-tuning your product to meet customer needs.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Utilize analytics and surveys to translate customer behavior and preferences into quantifiable metrics that can guide prioritization.
  • Customer Retention: Listening to your customers not only helps in building a better product but also cultivates loyalty.
  • Innovation: Sometimes, the most revolutionary features are born from user suggestions that may not have been part of the original vision.

After gathering customer feedback, the next step is to synthesize these insights into actionable backlog items.

Transforming Feedback into an Effective SaaS Backlog

Clear Prioritization Criteria

Prioritization is the linchpin of effective backlog management. The use of a consistent framework ensures uniformity in assessing the urgency and importance of each backlog item. Setting clear criteria such as business value, customer impact, and implementation complexity helps your team focus on what truly matters. 

Clear Organization – Epics & User Stories

The same goes for categorizing backlog items. Utilizing metrics like customer value, risk reduction, and implementation complexity will help to identify tasks of similar impact or focus. Complex tasks can then be broken down into user stories and grouped into epics, which promotes better clarity and establishes achievable milestones.

Long-term Strategy Alignment

A good backlog should also have a visionary element, representing features or changes that align with the long-term business strategy. Understanding “the big picture” will help with integrating the related tasks into upcoming sprints and, ultimately, a more streamlined development process.


Adaptability is crucial. Agile methodologies such as Scrum offer the flexibility to adjust to new information, without compromising the integrity of the ongoing sprint.


Organizing and prioritizing a backlog is an art form that combines technical astuteness with a deep understanding of customer needs. There are a plethora of variables to consider and efforts to keep organized.

If organizing and prioritizing your SaaS backlog seems like a herculean task, don’t fret- 27Global can transform your backlog management from an Achilles’ heel to, instead, a strategic asset that drives your business forward. Contact us today!

Founded in 2008, 27Global designs, builds and operates software, cloud and data solutions for businesses of all sizes. The perfect pairing of a local leadership with offshore pricing, 27Global has the business acumen to understand your vision and the expertise to build your solution. To learn more, visit or connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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